Our Specialists
My passion for Surety and client service, enables me to provide the right solutions for clients and brokers.
Our Specialists
I enjoy getting to know the intricacies of our clients in order to provide viable and valuable casualty solutions that facilitate their growth and success.
Our Specialists
I handle sensitive and complex claims for our clients and believe that the road to achieving an outcome is as important as the outcome itself.
Our Specialists
Working collaboratively with brokers is the reason I've loved underwriting for clients in Marine Cargo and Marine General Liability for 10 years.
Our Specialists
Cultivating a deep understanding of our clients needs, I am dedicated to ensuring we negotiate sustainable risk solutions, demonstrating expertise and building trust with our clients.
Our Specialists
Solutions focused, I have underwritten accounts within a broad range of industries, from trades and services to manufacturing and logistics.
Our Specialists
I particularly enjoy working with clients to demonstrate value in their insurance purchase, and focusing on the integrity and partnership that comes with long standing tripartite business relationships.
Head of Energy Property Construction - APAC Commercial & Specialty
T: +61 8298 5812
Our Specialists
With over 15 years' technical experience across a broad range of industries and risks, I lead a Casualty team in Asia dedicated to delivering solutions and value to our clients.
Vice President, Risk Engineering Casualty & Professional & Financial Risks, Asia Pacific
T: +61 3 9619 9868
Our Specialists
I seek to understand how we can deliver value to our stakeholders. The first question I always ask is "what is the business problem we are trying to solve?"
Our Specialists
20 years of insurance experience helps me tailor the right cover for any Construction PI, Financial Institutions, Cyber, IT and D&O client.