Our Specialists
I am passionate about optimising our tools and processes to deliver the best outcomes in collaboration with our stakeholders.
Our Specialists
With over 10 years experience in Casualty, I'm extremely passionate about working with our clients to provide tailored solutions that best meets their needs.
Our Specialists
Over 25 years, I've witnessed incredible growth and development in the technology industry – and worked hard to help clients tackle the risks this has created.
Vice President, Head of Cyber & IT Liability, Professional & Financial Risks, Asia Pacific
T: +61 2 8298 5897
Our Specialists
Since joining Liberty I have come to understand the importance of client collaboration, to arrive at comprehensive solutions that meet clients' respective business needs.
Our Specialists
I enjoy the process of underwriting complex, technical risks and collaborating with our broking partners, to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.
Our Specialists
My focus is on delivering creative solutions to our clients in a timely manner.
Our Specialists
With my actuarial background, I have an in-depth understanding with a big-picture perspective of our clients' evolving risk exposure.
Our Specialists
Solutions focused, I have underwritten accounts within a broad range of industries, from trades and services to manufacturing and logistics.
Our Specialists
I enjoy interacting directly with clients to understand their business risk and armed with this knowledge ensuring the integrated business unit listens, learns and adapts to customising appropriate policy coverages.
Our Specialists
Like many of our underwriters, I have diverse experience managing everything from SME Business and Facilities, to Schemes and other Professional Lines.